Magical Witch Ac ademy ボクと先生のマジカルレッスン Lecture 1
A world exists where magic is commonplace. The protagonist Tsukasa enrolls into the most prestigious and exclusive magic school: Wizadia Magic Academy. This school only enlists female students (and teachers), but Tsukasa is granted special permission to study here, the reason is he possesses a special super power: THE MYSTIC EYES. The power of his eyes is so great that he cannot control it so he is accepted into the most Wizadia as a special case so he one day can control his great power and thus become the greatest magician ever. Meanwhile he is given special glasses that nullify his mystic eyes but if for some reason he takes them off his eyes make any and all girls HORNY!....Like this Tsukasa school life begins...

movie | Oct 22 2021

movie | Oct 22 2021
Binetsukko B37C Vol. 2 微熱っ娘 ♭フラット 37C

movie | Oct 22 2021