Home Movies Stringendo Act. 5 トリンジェンド~エンジェルたちの プライベートレッスン

Stringendo Act. 5 トリンジェンド~エンジェルたちの プライベートレッスン

movie | Oct 22 2021
Stringendo Act. 5 トリンジェンド~エンジェルたちの プライベートレッスン
Hajimete no suuichu purei/The first underwater play: Mizuho and Tomohisa are on the way back from school, that day rained heavily. They get splashed by a passing truck, she suggests they both go to her home and take a bath together since her father will get home late.... Kimochii Migawari/Hands feels good: This event takes place after Miyasawa cannot forgive Kanda any longer and she pushes him through the window. Actually there was a witness, Ono-kun! Miyasawa realizes he knows of her secret and she decides to bribe him....with her body!
