Home Games Shoujo Dominance - My Precious Reina - Shoujo Dominance -Dokusen Yoku no Tsuyo Sugiru Manamusume Reina- 少女ドミナンス -独占欲の強すぎる愛娘 玲奈- [English]

Shoujo Dominance - My Precious Reina - Shoujo Dominance -Dokusen Yoku no Tsuyo Sugiru Manamusume Reina- 少女ドミナンス -独占欲の強すぎる愛娘 玲奈- [English]

game | Nov 5 2021
Shoujo Dominance - My Precious Reina -  Shoujo Dominance -Dokusen Yoku no Tsuyo Sugiru Manamusume Reina-  少女ドミナンス -独占欲の強すぎる愛娘 玲奈- [English]
Love blooms as Reina goes searching for the right person, only to find out that love has always been nearby. When her friends ask, “What kind of person is your ideal type?” the first figure that comes to mind is her father. Reina wants nothing more than to have somebody who will cherish and protect her. “I’m sure he already knows what I want… so why won’t he just do it?”
